Invader (French, b.1969), also known as Space Invader, is an Urban artist originally based in Paris. He is most widely recognized for his mosaic images of characters from the 1970s...
Invader (French, b.1969), also known as Space Invader, is an Urban artist originally based in Paris. He is most widely recognized for his mosaic images of characters from the 1970s video game “Space Invaders" in cities around the world. Once a work is completed, Invader records it as an "invasion" and creates accompanying maps and reference books to indicate the location of each piece. Invader began these urban, outdoor installations in Paris in 1998, and continued to "invade" 31 other cities in France, followed by an additional 22 cities across Europe. Currently, cities in the United States, Canada, Asia, and Australia are also home to examples of Invader's work.
Invader's gallery pieces are made up from hundreds of original Rubik's cubes. Ranging from interpretations of iconic images (the Mona Lisa, Alex from A Clockwork Orange) to the abstract (representations of fragmented and de-fragmented hard drives), Invader's signature style is instantly recognizable in these Rubik's pieces. Since 2000, Invader's works have been featured in galleries around the world, and he gained even greater popularity after he was featured in the 2010 documentary film about Street Art, Exit Through the Gift Shop.