Originally from North London, Cotton received his art education at the prestigious Central St. Martins School of Art in Holborn, London. Being a teenager in North London during the graffiti...
Originally from North London, Cotton received his art education at the prestigious Central St. Martins School of Art in Holborn, London. Being a teenager in North London during the graffiti boom, Cotton was immediately drawn to the pioneers of the UK graffiti scene. Wanting to develop his career as an international artist, he found himself residing in New York City at the early age of 24. Here he found inspiration in the aesthetic of the street art market. His work is now found in numerous galleries throughout the US, luxury hotels, corporate headquarters, in addition to private residences.Although there is an edgy style that spans his repertoire of contemporary portraits, urban landscapes, and abstract explorations, there is also a certain authenticity that dates back generations. Cotton’s father and grandfather owned a printing company in East London doing printing and design work for large retail and clothing stores. Cotton grew up seeing first-hand the techniques of block, offset, silkscreen, and commercial printing processes and pulls direct inspiration from those early formative years through his own use of wheat pasting, paper collage, and large-scale xerox prints.